With my recent bow making kick, I have settled into Michael’s as my second home. Last week, I pulled up in their parking lot with the kids and heard Carson ask, “Hey mom, are we getting more ribbon?”. Poor guy. Anyway, it struck me that I lacked an aesthetically pleasing way to display my handiwork so back to Michael’s we ventured. This time, I purchased a blank canvas. I have never felt as artsy fartsy in my life as when I purchased that sucker. Except maybe when I created that enormous paper mache gorilla back in middle school. Does paper mache even exist anymore or was strictly an entity of the 90’s? I digress.

So I painted my canvas, hot glued some ribbon and rickrack (another love of mine), and voila! A bow board! Easy peasy and oh so cute, if I do say so myself.

Oh and check out the cupcake bow!! Though I am in complete denial that we will be celebrating Mary Grace’s first birthday soon, I could not resist this ribbon when I saw it. See, mom, I do dress my daughter in something other than polka dots, thankyouverymuch.

4 Comments on craftiness abounds

  1. the bow board may just be the CUTEST thing i've ever seen!! i really wish i had a little girl to buy all the bows for šŸ™‚

  2. there is nothing wrong with polka dots or paisley—and i love that cupcake bow

    aunt beth

  3. there is nothing wrong with polka dots or paisley—and i love that cupcake bow

    aunt beth

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