Eve was not alone. There’s something in all of us that longs for the forbidden fruit- whatever that might be. I can already see this manifesting itself in Carson’s newfound mobility. Over the past several weeks, he has been scooting and “crawling” more and more. As this has been occurring, it has been fascinating (and terrifying) to see him immediately move towards any non-toy, potentially dangerous item. He will be in a room full of toys, yet he will do anything in his power to stick my cellphone in his mouth. Or, in the scenario pictured below, he is even audacious enough to scale his changing table in order to reach the can of Lysol…

Plotting out his big move…
And going for it…

*Disclaimer: Lest you think I’m an incompetent mother, I was not about to let him get any closer to the bottle of Lysol… or the bottle of rubbing alcohol… Geez, I am such a nurse šŸ™‚