Today, our little boy is four months old! Apparently, he was so excited about the big day today that he just could not sleep last night. Thankfully, he did squeeze in a quick nap this morning, at the end of which I was surprised to find him like this in his crib rather than on his back:Carson has been rolling from his back to his front for a week or so now, but this was the first time he has done so in his crib and he looked quite pleased with himself!
Now that he has officially reached the age at which the American Academy of Pediatrics allows babies to start solids (I have to practice what I preach, don’t I?), we have also embarked into the messy world of rice cereal. I don’t think he knows what to think of the stuff yet, but we’re now able to get at least half of the cereal in his mouth rather than on his face/clothes/hands/mother.We’re also huge fans of the Exersaucer around here these days. Make sure you click on the video below to hear Carson’s views on turning four months… I swear it sounds like he’s saying “mommy” at the end. No seriously.
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carcar’s cousin is also rolling over in the crib, but he can’t get back over again & wakes up screaming. super. happy 1st mother’s day to you!