Due to H1N1, many of the area hospitals have put major restrictions on visitors. This prevented Carson from visiting us in the hospital (though, fortunately, I was able to walk out to the lobby to see him on Tuesday). Honestly, we weren’t that upset about this rule as we knew Carson probably wouldn’t have done that well seeing his mom in a hospital bed holding another child. As he donned his new “It’s cool to be a big brother” shirt yesterday, Carson met his new baby sister with much enthusiasm and affection. As you can tell by these videos, we were blown away by how quickly Carson stepped into the role as big brother, going as far as sharing his trucks and balls. Now, we have to watch the boy like a hawk and cannot leave him alone with Mary Grace for a second, as he’s liable to carry her out the door for a ride on his tractor…. but at least he seems to love her a lot. (Oh, and I was going to edit the second video but 1. didn’t feel like it and 2. love the authenticity of how it is unedited.)

3 Comments on big brother

  1. My heart totally melted at those videos. I love when he kisses her in the second video. I really teared up. I'd love to come out and see y'all! Praying for your family of 4!

  2. HAHA! I laughed so hard at the second one. Good thing I warned her about that guy! I told her he was crazy!!

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