Typically, ice storms ruin everyone’s plans. This week, however, it was a gift from God.  You see, Tuesday was a little icy.  It was also Elizabeth’s birthday.  So, when my office manager contacted me early Tuesday morning with the option of staying home rather than braving the ice, I gladly chose a day with the birthday girl.

(Interestingly, the same sorta thing happened on Carson’s first birthday.  I was a wreck about having to work on his first birthday, but LO AND BEHOLD we mysteriously lost power to our office that day, forcing us to close up shop.  It has never happened since.  God’s got my back.)


Celebrating Elizabeth was so fun this week.  She just soaked it all in.  Enjoyed every little moment.  Loved every single gift…


…and every single card.  This [blurry] sisterly embrace?  It’s because Mary Grace gave her a card.  She gasped “thank you, Mary Grace!” when she opened it.  Picture the same scene when Carson handed her a box of fruit snacks.  Utter joy.


As I said, joy.


We started the day off with this.

IMG_6076 And, per Elizabeth’s request, this was her birthday lunch.  For months, she’s been asking for “Elmo cereal for my birfday!”, and we gladly delivered.  Could she BE any easier to please??


And clearly no little girl’s birthday this year is complete without Frozen paraphernalia.

IMG_6110Gosh, this kid…