DTR you ask?
No, I’m not defining any relationships. And I’m definitely not referring to deep tendon reflexes.
Nice guesses friends, but if you’re in this crazy community of adoptive parents you know that DTR means DOSSIER TO RWANDA!!
Our dossier landed in Rwanda this morning, was delivered into the safe hands of our power of attorney and will be hand delivered to the ministry tomorrow. I feel as though I can finally really breathe knowing that our paperwork is complete and at its final destination. Now it will rest at the bottom of a huge pile of dossiers waiting to be processed. There is so much speculation surrounding Rwandan adoptions right now. One train of thought is that it’s going to take f.o.r.e.v.e.r for us to get our referral. Another more positive outlook is that the ministry is going to bust their tails to push out all of these waiting dossiers before they transition to the Hague Convention.
Only God knows. And today I’m okay with that.
5 Comments on DTR!!
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Yippeee!!! We'll see you in Kigali:)
Yay! That's awesome, Catherine!
Btw, we had a yard sale last weekend (in the RIC) and have tons of leftovers…which obvi made me think of y'all. Do you want me to take them to your mom's house? They're already priced and loaded in our car.
Email me to let me know awhorley (at) gmail (dot) com
and by awhorley….I clearly meant akwhorley š
i am getting the crib(s) ready. looks like a daycare center around here. when wyatt comes he will think he is back at the orphanage. wyatt, mary grace, maggie. should i put them all side by side????…….
Squealing right now!!!!