Goals for the Week:

1. Cure Chloe…
I’m still not convinced that Chloe can keep her eye. Her “conjunctivitis” is still causing the poor dog to resemble Cyclops as she wanders around our house with her left eye often half shut. So, it’s back to the vet this morning. Oh joy…

2. Sleep more…
Last week, we decided that enough was enough, and it was about time that Carson slept more than three hours at a time at night. In a week’s time, I have successfully cut him down to one middle of the night feeding. Last night, I tried to let him cry it out rather than running in to feed him. People, this is not as easy as it sounds! I lasted seven whole minutes (my goal was ten) before I caved and went in to calm my hysterical child. At least I am seeing some improvement.

3. Empty our fridge/freezer…
We have ten days to finish off everything in our fridge and freezer. I hate to waste food, so I had planned out our dinners for a three week period. Matt thought I was nuts, but I think this goal might just be met.

4. Remain calm…
I’m feeling my nerves starting to kick in as we are on the verge of gigantic changes in our lives. I keep reminding myself that we serve a huge God who is unchanging and who has great plans for us. Oh, and the comfort found in a bag of Twizzlers doesn’t hurt either. 🙂

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