She’s HOME!! 

I have so much to catch you up on… so many pictures to share… and I’ll get there once I fight through this crazy jetlag and figure out our “new normal”.  But for now, this face.  Couldn’t you just eat her up?  And look!  She’s standing in OUR living room in OUR house in the USA!  This happened, people!  It really, really happened!!

4 Comments on home!!!

  1. Oh my goodness! She could not be more precious! Matt showed us the video Caleb made last night and I’m pretty positive it brought everyone to tears – and now she’s home! 🙂

  2. I’m SO excited for ya’ll!! Elizabeth is absolutely adorable!! It was so awesome to follow your journey….and now she’s HOME!!!! Congrats!!!

  3. OH MY GOODNESS. I cried when I saw her picture – she is HOME. Pardon me for getting attached to a family I barely know, I guess blogging’ll do that 🙂 Congratulations, yall! And know that the Thompson’s are praying for all five of you Allisons. God bless!

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