We’re about to hit Mary Grace’s fourteenth month of life, and boy does she live life to the full! Although she’s been walking for a few months now, I finally came to grips with the harsh reality that she’s growing up and moved her up to the walkers class at church. I’m terrified that I’m going to blink my eyes and we’ll be taking pictures of her getting ready for prom. Whoooa there… that’s too much for me to handle right now. Let’s backtrack to what’s going on these days in the life of Mary Grace…
- Mary Grace is still the sweetest, happiest, must laid back little girl ever. She’s just so easy!
- She’s still sleeping great- a solid twelve+ hours at night, and depending on our daytime schedule, she’s alternating between one and two naps a day.
- She says a few words (dada, doggie, yes, shoes, this… sometimes I’d like to say that I hear her say mama…), and her understanding of vocabulary is pretty amazing. She follows directions perfectly and freaks out when she is told “no”.
- Mary Grace loves to sit at the little kid table we have. She’ll just sit there forever playing, reading, or chewing on crayons. Seriously, it’s so sweet I could die.
- The girl is already displaying a huge love for shoes. A new pair of shoes arrived in the mail last week, and she immediately began to grunt and lift up her little legs, attempting to try them on. I’m so not kidding. Matt, watch out…
- She’s still an eater. Like a huge eater. Last night for dinner, she ate two large pieces of pizza all by herself. She definitely eats more than Carson and probably eats more than me. As I sit here and think, I honestly cannot think of a food she will not eat. I’m hoping that doesn’t change.
- She has 10 teeth, and her top two molars are just beginning to peak through her gums. Just in time for some good Christmas eatin’. That’s my girl.
- Mary Grace is super tough. I suppose that’s what happens when you have an older brother. I guess she also gets her strong throwing arm and obsession with the worker man construction hat from her big bro. Those two are ridiculously precious together. About 98% of the time, they are ultra loving and affectionate towards each other. The other 2% of the time are less than picture perfect, but who’s keeping track?
- As if you can’t tell already from recent pictures, the child had a head full of thick, curlyish hair! Is it bad to lust after your own child’s hair? Yeah, probably.
All in all, I’m so stinkin blessed to be Mary Grace’s mother. She keeps us on our toes and brings so much joy into our lives on a daily basis.
2 Comments on mary grace lately
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It sounds like she takes after her aunt with the shoe fetish thing… Our fam can't wait to see both MG & C again soon!
aww, libby, admitting it is the first step……..