wedding7I love this picture.

Nine years ago today, we had just been declared husband and wife, we had partied with our best friends and family at the reception, and we were off.  My dreams had come true.  I got the boy, he put a ring on it, and all we had to look forward to was a lifetime of matrimonial bliss.  So, here we were, dripping with giddiness as we ran out of our reception into our new life together.  Hands clasped tight, we weren’t entirely sure what was to come, but we knew we were in it together.

Flash forward nine years.  Y’all, it has not always quite so blissful.  There have been times I’ve thought (and verbalized. because I can’t keep my mouth shut.), “It’s a REALLY good thing we both love Jesus because that might just be the only thing we have in common right now.” Moments in which we have both thought, “Man, I love you.  I do.  But I’m not sure how much I like you right about now.”  Because, as any normal married person knows, marriage is hard, yo.

But gosh, there’s no one else I’d rather do this crazy life with.  We may be exact opposites.  And some days, the only thing we have in common really might be our love for the same God.  But we maintain that stance seen above.  Still so much love.  Excited for what’s to come.  And hands clasped tightly because we’re in this thing together.

And let’s be real, I’m sure there are still a few amused onlookers shaking their heads and thinking, “Those crazy kids have no clue what they’re doing.”  Whatever, people.  We’ll figure it out one day.