We headed off to the local children’s museum today, and my babydoll-obsessed daughter booked it straight over to the little faux-NICU to grab (and hoard) each and every baby hiding out in the isolette. Big surprise there. She snatched another child’s doll at story time yesterday, hugging and kissing it as if it were her own flesh and blood.
Meanwhile, Carson The (Really Endearing) Dictator ordered his servants to help him build the tower of Jericho. Of course, we had to march around it and sound the trumpets and let out a loud shout. But he refused to let the wall fall. It’s all good- we’ll review the book of Joshua tonight. 🙂

2 Comments on on baby snatchers and jericho

  1. I love her obsession with babies! Sounds like me when I was her age! Can't wait to see you on Saturday!!

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