Lest you think that I have lost my camera, here are some cute pics of Mary Grace today. She’s getting so stinkin’ big (85% in weight and 75% in height now, just FYI). I could just eat her up.*

*Random sidenote: We were talking about this nice southern expression at work the other day, laughing at what our Hispanic parents and pediatric patients would think if they heard this phrase translated. My presumed cannibalism might scare one or two away from our practice forever.

4 Comments on pretty in pink

  1. i am going to smother her to death with kisses when she gets here… and, her fabulously handsome bro.

  2. I can totally see you in her in these pictures!!! Hope to see you when you're in town and meet Mary Grace!

  3. Wow how they change in such a short time! She is beautiful!! Love the pink šŸ™‚

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