Y’all, I’m pretty much in love with our small town… especially at Christmas time. Our quaint little Main Street is so decked out in Christmasey splendor that the kids and I decided yesterday that we would meander through our “downtown” to check it out. I called it a Christmas Adventure to entice the kids. Really, all of these small town festivities just make me giddy… like I’m living smack dab in the middle of One Magic Christmas. Allow us to take you on a teeny bit of a tour…

the huge Christmas tree in town square. yes, we have a town square on main street in our teeny downtown.
and no, i do not live in Mayberry.

don’t go knockin’ my son’s beloved russian-esque hat. there was an epic battle fought in the Gap Outlet recently over this hat. he won.

and then the princess. in her red shoes.

i kinda want to live here.

the cutest little drugstore (since 1919) ever. we went in for treats (i.e. shameless bribery) and the pharmacist gave the kids their candy for free. who does that??

sweet little downtown.