Matt really is out of luck now. The secret is out. You see, aside from frozen meals and grilling, Matt had yet to cook us a “real dinner” in our four years of marriage. I completely admit that this is 99% my own fault, as I tend to consider the kitchen my domain and prefer to have control over what we eat. Well, as of last night, that era is over.

Several nights ago, I was whining to Matt about how I couldn’t find anything on a particular restaurant’s menu that sounded good to me. When he asked me what I would have liked to see on the menu, I promptly responded that a salad topped with grilled shrimp, sugar snap peas, and a vinaigrette dressing sounded quite nice.

So what do ya know? I walked in the door from work last night to a great smelling house and Matt slaving away in the kitchen. Matt really outdid himself and served us an absolutely delicious spinach salad topped with marinated grilled shrimp skewers, grilled pineapple, fresh strawberries, sugar snap peas, and a vinaigrette dressing. YUM! It really was delicious, though I warned him that in the future that he might want to compliment his own cooking a little less than he does my own. 🙂 I think this whole husband in the kitchen thing might just have to become a more regular thing. Why did I wait four years to figure this out?

1 Comment on sous chef

  1. You may need to tell him that he shouldn't have done so well the first time out of the gate 😉
    Yay for a yummy meal that you didn't have to fix!!

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