Mary Grace,

It’s so hard to believe that you’re already two months old! Time is flying by, and it sort of makes me sad. On the other hand, though, it’s so fun to watch you grow and change every day.

The biggest news of all is the magnificent fact that you have slept through the night the past three nights! Each morning, I woke up in a panic and quickly rushed to your room to make sure you were still alive. Your brother didn’t do this until he was, oh, ten months old. Way to go, Mary Grace.

You hate tummy time. And you don’t like your swing much either. Heck, you won’t even sit in your papasan chair for long. You still want to be held 24/7.

You’re doing famously in your daddy’s care while I’m at work. You’re taking a bottle like a champ, for which we are grateful. You also attended a super long work meeting with me this month and behaved yourself quite well. Your presence made the unpleasantness of the meeting less unpleasant.

You slept in a dresser drawer for the first time while staying at your grandparents house over Thanksgiving. The other cribs in the house were being occupied by your cousins, and we forgot to bring our pack and play… so your innovative parents used their imaginations. You didn’t know the difference. Thanks for being so adaptable.

You’re holding your head up well, and you’ve rolled over twice. I think the rolling part was completely reflexive, but it will come soon enough! You have the sweetest smile, and you always grin when I free you from your swaddle blanket in the mornings.

Everyone is saying that you look like me which makes me happy. I’m still a little bit skeptical, but after comparing baby pictures, I’m starting to buy into the notion that perhaps there might be a little mini-me. I kind of hope you have my freckles… though I hated them growing up. Dressing you in my old smocked dresses brings me great joy.

Yesterday, you wore the cross necklace that belonged to your great great grandmother (Mary, your namesake) when she was a baby. Just to warn you, women in this family love some jewelry. I hope your future husband will be understanding.

We love you to pieces, Mary Grace!

3 Comments on two months

  1. Beth– even GG says she looks like me! Even though I don't know if I should trust her judgment at 90… šŸ™‚ and the last dress you asked about was given to me by Verna- cute, huh??

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