So, with all of the drama going down lately, I completely failed to mention an ultra important event in the life of any child…
the Big Kid Bed! Yes, that’s right- I made my favorite Craigslist purchase of all time by finding this pretty white bed and matching nightstand. And then bedding from Le Tarjay. I’m in love.
Mary Grace has been a rockstar and has done beautifully with the transition. She is the best little sleeper and will just sit in her bed, read books, and play with her babies until I get her in the morning. I wish her big brother would follow her lead.
And while she’s on this “growing up too fast” streak, Mary Grace decided to start potty training herself. I really didn’t think I was ready to go down that road again so soon, but alas, I shall. The child is telling me she needs to pee and will immediately perform sans bribery. What in the world? Little does she know that she should be milking this for all of the bribery it’s worth. After our little beach getaway coming up soon, Potty Training Bootcamp Part Two will commence. Joy of joys. OK, just one more picture of the sleeping beauty.