Most everyone said we wouldn’t be able to do it. However, few people gave enough credit to the stubbornness of each member of our little family of three. What I am referring to is transitioning our seventeen month old child to a twin bed. Yes, that’s right. We unexpectedly took the plunge this weekend after getting a call from Matt’s dad yesterday morning asking if he could drive the legendary Allison Twin Bed down from Richmond. Carson is the third generation of Allison men to sleep in this bed, and I do think he has inherited the excellent slumbering habits from his daddy and Pop.

We weren’t expecting the bed to come so soon, but I think my lack of preparation was a good thing. As the crib was disassembled and then reassembled in Mary Grace’s room and I donned Carson’s big boy bed with his new firetruck quilt, I got a little teary. Each and every day, Carson is acting more and more grown up… which I suppose I should be thankful for with his sister’s arrival date in T-15ish weeks.

Anyway, we put the railing up, surrounded him with pillows and stuffed animals, crossed our fingers, and hoped for the best. Well, the little booger did GREAT! He slept a full 12 hours without problem. Then, he went right down for his afternoon nap today and has already fallen asleep for his second night of his new life as a big boy. I’m still crossing my fingers, hoping that this isn’t a fluke. At this point, though, it seems to me like Carson is beating all odds and is making this a far easier transition than I ever thought would be possible. God bless the good Allison sleeping genes!!!!

1 Comment on beating all odds

  1. SO great that it went so well! I just forwarded this to my friend who is about the take the plunge with her 2 year old (she's also prego with #2). So glad it went so well!

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