That’s exactly how I pitched this Saturday’s yard sale to my coworkers, and these oh-so-accurate descriptors did the trick in peaking their interest. But just in case you need more info, here ya go…

We are so pumped for our NC yard sale this Saturday! Friends and family have been so generous in their donations that they have exploded out of our garage and are now taking off the interior of our home. We are selling some nice stuff, people! If it wasn’t for Wyatt, I would have already started my own big pile of things I wanted to hijack for myself.

When we haven’t been busying ourselves with organizing and pricing items, we have been granting interviews to the media about the awesomeness of this event. Ha, that might be a bit of a stretch, but our story and mugs were featured in the local Clayton newspaper yesterday which will hopefully provide good publicity for adoption and Saturday’s yard sale.

I know you’re dying to know… Catherine, how can I help with this big, huge, awesome event? Well, since you asked, let me just tell you…

  • We will gladly take donations up until the bitter end! Anything that does not sell at this yard sale will be taken to Midlothian for our second sale next month.
  • Come help!! 🙂 OK, so the elephant in the room is that “dude, Clayton is, like, soooo far away.” True, very true. But consider it a field trip, an adventure, a journey into the unknown. I promised it’s a civilized land out here in Johnston County. We could use any help at all! Thanks to my mother-in-law’s willingness to drive down on short notice, we have the kiddos covered, but help with everything else would be most appreciated!
  • PRAY! Pray that this would not only be an effective fundraiser in terms of raising money but that we would have the opportunity to share our passion for adoption and the Gospel message behind it. We have a stack of copies of Adopted for Life to give away to anyone who might show particular interest in adoption. I hope to have them all gone within the first hour!

We’ll keep you posted! In the meantime, I’ll be popping Zyrtec because of the inordinate time I am spending pricing items in the dusty garage.

1 Comment on big, huge, awesome yard sale

  1. Cattie Sue! SO sorry I'm still in the NE for this. Let me know about the second yardsale and I'll see if I can work it into my grad school calendar. You're going to sell so much and bring home Wyatt! Yay!

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