An exchange today in the grocery store…
“Yes, Carson?”
“You love me?”
“Of course I love you Carson!”
“Whole bunch?”
“I love you a whole whole bunch, buddy.”
“I love me too, mama.”

And later…
“Hey Carson, what should we name your baby brother?”
“Carson Two’s!”
[confused looks exchanged between me and Matt… and then we get it]
“Ohhh Carson the Second?”
“Uh huh!! Carson Two’s!”

Carson, you might have spent half of your waking hours today in time out, but you bring so much joy, laughter, and unpredictability to our lives, and we love you so much it’s ridiculous!

4 Comments on carson two’s

  1. i'm so glad my nephew has personality. he may get kicked out of the nursery from time to time, but he sure is entertaining šŸ™‚

  2. I'm thinking you gotta good name, why bother trying to find another.
    Wasn't it George Foreman who named all his kids George? And do you remember on The Cosby Show, Olivia was going to name all her children Olivia…

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