It occurred to me recently that I could count the Carson-free dates that Matt and I had been on in the past 14 months on one hand. That was quite a pitiful realization, if you ask me, but I guess life just happened, babysitters were few, and our lucky son was able to cash in on the benefits of being the third wheel at the upscale date nights we shared at Moe’s or Chickfila.

That is, until last night.

You see, my lovely friend Elizabeth is here in the area for eight weeks for a physical therapy rotation. She happened to mention that she would be glad to watch Carson sometime for us, and we had no shame in exploiting her services a mere week after her arrival in North Carolina. As we left our son in her ultra capable hands last night, we skipped off like giddy little schoolkids to the first movie we’ve seen in the theaters in probably at least a year and a half. To make matters even better, we saw one of my new favorite movies- Slumdog Millionaire. Seriously, go see it.

So, the point of this post is to say that I hereby declare that we will no longer wait such obscenely long periods of time before we go on our next childless date night. Elizabeth, you were our hero of the weekend, and the Allison family thanks you.

* On a completely unrelated note, Carson started to sword fight me with straws this evening. This is something I have never before seen him do but brought much laughter out of all of us… and made me realize that he really is all boy.