It’s not-even-nine on Friday night, and I’m sitting at my computer in my PJs. Enjoying the quiet. Matt’s at church hanging out with his 5th and 6th graders, and I’m beat. Seriously beat. I keep telling Matt that if I did not have 100% certainty that I was not pregnant, I would think I was due to my recent bout of crazy exhaustion. Lucky for him, I’m 110% certain. I guess life is just kicking my booty. In a good way.

Somehow, Carson and I wound up at the park at 6:30 this morning. We were both up, fed, and dressed, so I thought it might be a fun little excursion. As we walked around the nature trail together, the looks we received from the early morning exercise crowd varied from sympathy to amusement. Carson thought he was the man and must have said twenty times, “Mommy! Did you know that I’m the only kid in this whole park? In the whole big park??” Thanks for rubbing it in, big guy.

We came home to find Matt and Mary Grace still sound asleep. Matt takes great pride in the fact that his little girl has seemingly inherited his sleeping habits. I think he’s going to jinx it. The poor girl has something going on with her, though. She’s on an antibiotic for yet another ear infection, but she’s still not quite right. In fact, much of today, she hasn’t been right at all. I have a few thoughts swirling around in my head, but I’m going to see how she does overnight and then figure things out from there. Sometimes it’s a curse to work in the medical profession and “know too much”. The child has been asleep for an hour tonight, and I’ve already checked on her twice. The second time, she popped her little head up and gave me the look of “woman! what are you doing back in here again? chill the heck out!” I’m praying for a full recovery by the morning. We can’t be wasting perfectly good weekends on ER visits…

I know you are all riveted by this ultra exciting post, but I better go unwind with a little HGTV. Which will promptly be followed by falling asleep on the couch. Oh my gosh, I am totally becoming my parents…