It’s true!

We’re expecting!

…a baby boy from Rwanda!!

We officially began the process of international adoption several weeks ago and couldn’t be more excited! (This is clearly evident by the sheer number of exclamation points I have used in the past few sentences…)

Here’s the ultra-Cliff Notes version of what’s going down- we are working with an awesome, well-respected agency (Gladney Center for Adoptions) and have requested a baby boy from Rwanda, under the age of one. We have been told to expect the process to take about a year, give or take a few months. However, Rwanda has only recently opened up for adoptions, so we recognize that this proposed timeline is very fluid. As I have alluded to on this blog before, adoption is something that we have always felt called to do, and we were recently struck with a particular urgency to take that leap of faith now rather than putting it off.

More on that later, though. There are plenty of posts to follow with details galore, but for now, we covet your prayers as we embark into this wild and exciting new chapter of our lives.

12 Comments on in case you couldn’t figure it out…

  1. i can wait to kiss the face off of my new little angel baby. hurry up and get here; you have the best parents in the world!

  2. YEAH! That is fantastic! I am supremely proud to have been there to witness your love for African babies. You two will be blessed beyond imaginable! Excited to see the process unfold!!!

  3. Wonderful news – I will continue to pray for your family and your future son throughout the coming weeks and months.

  4. You two are amazing! Congratulations on taking this big step! This is one lucky kid to get parents like you and a brother and sister like Carson and Mary Grace šŸ™‚

  5. catherine!!! i'm so excited for you and your family. how wonderful! ps – i LOVE the world "map" that Carson is pointing to in the video…where did you get it?

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