Well, my ever-sensitive husband has informed me that there may be some of you out there who might be too embarrassed to emerge from your blog stalking habits and  ask for access to the blog once it turns private.  Don’t be!  It’s totally not awkward.  Because, let’s be real- don’t we all stalk random blogs from time to time and know entirely too much random info about the comings and goings of families you’ve never met?  (or is that just me… shoot…)  I love to have others read my blog.  I love to share our adoption story and make adoption less elusive.  And, let me tell you, we have some fun developments in our journey to share soon!  So, common now, stop feeling awkward…. because, who knows, I might just read your blog too. 🙂

10 Comments on it’s not awkward

  1. Ha ha, I am a random reader of your blog. I read the blog of one of my acquaintances and your blog was on her blogroll. I love checking your blog from time to time and I would be sad if I didn’t get to find out what is going on with your family’s adoption process. I have been hoping for good news for your family for a while! I also have a son and a daughter, 15 month old twins Chloe and Brady. Feel free to check out our blog at http://www.ringleyfamilycircus.blogspot.com. Best of luck to your family!

    • Hey Jessica! Would love to add you- could you send me your email address, as that will be how I’m communicating our password and everything in a day or so?? Thanks!! 🙂

  2. Ok, I’ll come out of the woodwork…I attended Perspectives with your husband two years ago and started following your blog then. Now I live in Uganda (just three hours from Rwanda) and I certainly enjoy following your posts. 🙂 martha.hopper (at) gmail .com

  3. I am a friend of Christian Simmers and have been following your blog and adoption story. I am hoping to adopt one day too (although I have to convince my husband first!;)). Would love to continue following your family’s story. My email is claireleggettwood@gmail.com.

  4. Totally stalk your blog because your kids are just too cute and my family has known your husband since his Four Mile Creek days.

    • Hey Megan! Can I get your email address so I can let you know the password you’ll need to access the blog?? Thanks!! 🙂

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