Elizabeth was a rockstar today!  We left the house at 4:40 am, and she was all smiles.  Only 4 hours later, we were back home, and the little sleeping beauty has been sound asleep ever since.  The procedure went perfectly, and minimal tears were shed.  Thank you, Lord!  Matt stayed at home with the other two (because there was nowayinheck we were going to wake them up at 4:15 as well), so I didn’t exactly love the anxiety-ridden moments alone in the waiting room of the hospital while Elizabeth was in the OR.  Thankfully, I brought along my current reading material which has been excellent… and was clearly quite timely for my issues-ridden self.


The author is on staff at my parents’ church in Richmond, and I’m totally tracking with her.  Matt read the blurb on the back cover and remarked, “Yep.  That looks like a book that’s perfect for you.”  Thaaaanks, babe.

I’m guessing I should go check on the slumbering little Elizabeth upstairs.  Again.  Because Mary Grace and Carson are at preschool today, I haven’t really known what to do with myself, so I find myself wandering in and out of Elizabeth’s room just staring at her sweet face.  That and baking enough pumpkin muffins and honey wheat bread to feed a small army.  Because, well, I guess I’ve got issues.

6 Comments on my little rockstar

  1. Hi Catherine,
    I am glad Elizabeth’s surgery went well! We recently found your blog a few weeks ago! We also have two bio children, and we completed our home study in December. I was wondering if you could post (or email me) about how you decided between domestic and international adoption. While our current home study is for domestic, an international situation came up that is having us consider international. Thank you!! Keep posting!! It’s such an encouragement.

    • Hi Maggie! Glad you found me! Our decision was pretty clear cut for us, as we had always known that we wanted to adopt internationally, specifically from Africa. Matt and I had spent time in various parts of Africa and felt a strong pull and special affinity for the region. There are certainly needs within the US too (especially from within the foster care system), and we currently have a number of friends adopting domestically. Logistically speaking, there are challenges and possible hurdles with both types of adoptions which should be weighed. Feel free to email me at catherinesallison at gmail dot com, and I’d love to chat more!

  2. Hi Catherine! Your mom told me you’ve been reading the book and I’m so glad you are tracking with it! Love the blog and appreciate the shout-out. (Plus I wrote 35 at 35 right around the time you wrote 30 for 30…we are twins).


  3. For any of you living in the Richmond area check this out:
    Hope Church on Patterson Avenue is having a special ladies night on Jan. 31 at 7 pm.
    Featured speaker: Nicole Unice, from book above. She is a lively and fascinating speaker who moves you from laughter to tears in a single sentence. All in the area are invited!

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