Alright, I have done such a good job staying out of this whole Chickfila debacle… and I should probably continue to do so.  But, true to form, I can’t keep my big mouth shut forever.  I don’t want this to sound preachy… it’s just where my thoughts have been lingering this week.

Let me put a few things out there to start with:


1. I love Chickfila.  90% of the meals we eat out as a family are consumed at Chickfila.  I also appreciate them for standing up for their values and their leadership not shying away from speaking up about their beliefs as Christians.

2. I believe in free speech.  Obviously.  I love our nation and the freedoms we enjoy here.

3. As a Christian, I believe that marriage is intended for one man and one woman.


Okay, glad we got that out of the way.  Here we go…

I didn’t eat at Chickfila this Wednesday on “Chickfila appreication day”.  Honestly, it wasn’t out of any particular stance, one way or another.  We just didn’t.  But, as I reflect on this more and more, I wonder what impact this “appreciation” had on our communities.  Many people simply wanted to support the business in light of the recent criticism directed at them.  Others were supporting free speech.  Still others were supporting their view of marriage or Christian values.  I get all of this.  I think most people want to have a cause, and this appealed to that innate desire.  Plus their food is stinkin’ good.  But what if we have elevated our desire to support free speech or “Christian chicken” over God’s command to love our neighbors as ourselves?

Because may I suggest that the droves of people who flocked to Chickfila on Wednesday did little to show Christ to others?

Yikes, I know…

But seriously.  We support things all the time, but if Christ is really Lord, shouldn’t we serve Him humbly through loving others rather than loving a business?  And even if we value our nation’s freedoms (as we should), should we not value Christ and the people He created more? I’m thinking that Chickfila probably felt the love this week far more than homosexuals did.  And if that’s the case, I think we might be missing the point.

One more thing…

I think the Christian community has proved one thing this week.  While lines wrapped around shopping centers waiting to get their chicken and waffle fries, Christians were proving that we can show up.  We can rally.  Now, rather or not people were rallying for the right thing this week is up for debate.  But, goodness gracious, we can.  Now for the hypothetical…

What if we could show that support for what Jesus has clearly commanded us to do?  Like feeding the hungry and loving the marginalized?  What if lines would wrap around homeless shelters, waiting to serve them?  What if we rallied around the cause of global missions, selflessly supporting those carrying the Gospel to the ends of the earth?  I’m choosing to be encouraged by the response to Chickfila this week out of this hope.

Y’all, if I do come off as preachy through this, then let it be known that I am preaching to myself.  And goodness, I’m not trying to point fingers at people who ate at Chickfila this week nor am I judging people who called the others haters.  Will I probably eat at Chickfila in the next five days?  Yep.  Did I do anything to actively show Christ’s love to the homosexual community this week?  Nope.  But do I think this serves as the perfect example of how Christians can and should think critically and intentionally about how we’re using our time, resources, and words to be “salt and light”?  Absolutely.

Alright, controversial subject covered.  I’ll now carry on with cute pictures of the kids…

4 Comments on on chickfila (because i can’t keep my big mouth shut forever)

  1. Hey girl, I know I’m kinda coming out of the Google Reader blogroll dark here – I normally just enjoy people’s updates/pics (haha & omigosh yours are adorable!) pretty passively – but I wanted to thank you for this post.

    I didn’t grow up in a Christian home and didn’t begin to explore my faith until friends brought me to FCA @ W&M. I’m also lucky enough to teach in a really tough area, and work with a lot of pretty marginalized populations. Because of my background, I often struggle to blend what I believe with what I see being sensationalized in the media, and I just so appreciated this thoughtful post of yours. I think it articulated so well both the problem and the potential of moments like these without putting anyone down or discrediting peoples good intentions, AND I love the accountability for living this message always, in our love for (all) our neighbors, rather than just when it feels like there’s something to defend or prove.

    Anyway, sorry again for the (long!) random post, ha, but I just wanted to say thanks for writing so clearly and honestly what I was too mixed-up to articulate. 🙂 Best to you and your family (and prayers for Elizabeth’s quick homecoming!).

    • Thanks so much for the comment, Kayla! I hesitated posting this because it’s been such a polarizing topic, especially in Christian circles. I actually made Matt preview it prior to hitting publish- something I never ever do. Back in college, I was pretty confident in what I believed in terms of scenarios like this one (and like illegal immigration, etc)… probably to a fault. Because the more I am exposed to the “real world”, not just upper-middle-class suburbia, the more I realize that I know nothing. So, I just keep coming back to Scripture and trying to just follow Jesus’ lead while allowing myself to accept His grace when I royally screw up.

  2. So well said, Catherine! Thanks for the reminder about not just being a Christian but what it means to embody Christ’s love for ALL people!

  3. Cat,
    best thoughts i’ve read so far on this craziness. thank you 🙂 that was said so well!

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