Last week, Mary Grace’s first soccer season came to a close.  I’m super proud of our little firecracker of a soccer player who consistently stepped out on the field to kick tail despite the fact that she was always the smallest on the field (and typically the only girl).


To give you perspective on the size difference… see little Mary Grace up there in the front?  About a head smaller than everyone else!


I love YMCA sports.  Prior to all games and practices, all players get together for a song and prayer.  Mary Grace was praying like she meant it last week…


…I KNOW, right?!  Be still my heart.


And for the action shots…


we were all amused by her animated expressions on the field.


Ha!  I love this one!  Mary Grace charging through 5 boys, pushing them away like it’s nothin’.  Atta girl.



Alas!  The coveted trophy!  I asked Mary Grace later that evening, “so, do you think you want to play soccer again next season?”  My heart sunk a bit when she responded, “no!”  And then then she continued, “No, I wanna play soccer again tomorrow!”  That’s what I thought.
