A few happenings in the Allison casa.
Well. Mary Grace fell in love.
It started with the love letters about bugs and quickly progressed to an apparent proposal on the playground yesterday. As soon as the girls hopped into the car after school yesterday, she broke the news. “I NEED to know if I can get married. I love him and he said he wants to marry me. Answer me immediately! IMMEDIATELY!”
Lord, help me.
Meanwhile, as we get deeper into summer, I have gone to increasingly desperate measures in attempting to do something, ANYTHING with this boundless, never-ending, never-even-diminishing-even-just-a-little energy these kids somehow maintain. It’s unbelievable, people. They’re little machines, these kids of ours.
So, today I ran it out of them. Or at least that was the plan. A few steps in, Elizabeth shot me this hilariously confused look and asked, “Mommy, why are we RUNNING?” I then reminded her that I had promised a healthful lunch at Sheetz if they followed through with a run through the neighborhood.
It worked. Bribery is magic, friends. Hot dogs and Icees for everyone! While I fed my dear children processed meat on a bun and sugar in a cup, Carson spent the bulk of our lunch educating us all on scurvy. SCURVY. Effective immediately, I’m putting an immediate halt on his education and am making him read comic books instead.
There was also the time Carson handed his parents this sweet little note and FIRED US. I don’t even know. Maybe it’s the scurvy.
Also news-worthy: Elizabeth rocked an epic fro. And a huge bow. Because she’s an Allison after all. Also, she’s turned into a miniature teenager overnight, ‘tude and all.
And Mary Grace. What can be said? Well, I guess we can start with the fact that OH YEAH her face is now red. Probably forever. She somehow managed to get red (non-washable. because I’m an idiot.) marker all over her face this afternoon. And after scrubbing forever tonight, her face remains the color of a tomato. As she admired her new hue after bathtime, the child looked me in the eyes and said, “Mom, remember this day. The day your daughter turned red.”Minutes later, fed up with me brushing through her tangled hair, the same tomato-faced little girl rose up and dramatically proclaimed, “Give me liberty, or give me death! And right now, you’re giving me DEATH!”
Y’all. My four year old is quoting revolutionary leaders. Send help.No, really.
3 Comments on on liberty or death. and other things.
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You’re blog continually encourages and inspires me (Yes, because of the chaos. It makes me feel like I’m not the only one with a crazy house.), and for that I nominate you for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award”. Recently, I was nominated for the award, and as part of that, I highlight 15 blogs that inspire me. You are one of those blogs! You can check out more info at my blog: Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I nominate you because I find your blog truly inspiring, so in no way feel pressured to nominate others.
I’m not so sure how inspiring I am, Leslie, but we can sure rock some chaos! Thanks, girl 🙂
Hi, Catherine! Blair’s mom “YaYa” here. Blair sent me the link to your blog after I confessed I have a massive crush on your family. Well, now I’m like stalker crushin’!! Your authentic reporting on the wild and wonderful life you all are leading is pure brilliance. I told you at Chase & Carter’s BD party that MG was destined to be a CEO. Well it will probably for the Comedy Channel cause that kid is hysterically funny, and smart, and cute. Elizabeth is such a precious princess and I loved her rockin’ the “bow ‘fro”!! Carson is like a little professor. Just toooo stinkin’ cute.
Keep sharing your stories. Blair was SOOO much like MG and 33 years later we still crack folks up with stories of his many “Blairisms”!
Peace & Joy,