I’m thankful for the little things.

For a piping hot cup of strong coffee first thing in the morning. For the crisp pages of a new journal. For beautiful fall days. For the giggles of my children. For candy… and lots of it. For yummy smelling candles. For magazines and newspapers and good books. For Target. For receiving hand written notes in an email-obsessed world. For listening to that same perfect song over and over and over again because, obviously, it was written for you. For nap time.

But mostly, I’m thankful for the big things.

The unselfish love of my husband.
The vibrant lives of my beautiful children.
Christ and His redeeming work on the cross on my behalf. For His sovereignty, might, and steadfast love. For the hope and security I have in Him alone.

And Carson? Well, this year he is thankful for these six things. When he started the list with trucks and boats, I was a little worried about where it was headed. Let’s just say I let out a sigh of relief when family and Jesus made it on his list.May you all be blessed by the big and the little things this week. Happy Thanksgiving!