Go grab some tissues (these will be happy tears for once, I promise), and watch this video. Myles was adopted from the same orphanage our little Wyatt will come from. And ohmygoodness, is he not a doll?!

As an interesting sidenote, I found this family’s blog at the beginning of our adoption process and have found it so encouraging. Well, come to find out, Laurel’s uncle just happens to be my dad’s tennis partner! The Rwanda adoption world is smaller than one might think.

OK, go watch the video. I mean it.

2 Comments on video friday

  1. wow. now i just can't wait to see you with your big smile when you finally get to meet wyatt. i like the stocking, going to get one asap, hoping……

  2. Ok, watched it. Zach and I both cried. Didn't think that would really happen since we both aren't criers.

    Adoption… what an awesome demonstation of love, God's love for us. What was I thinking that we wouldn't cry??

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