There’s this song we used to sing all the time in church called “What a Mighty God We Serve.” I haven’t thought of that song or lyrics in a long, long time, but when I was reading through the Lawrenson’s blog today (, the words to this old-school church song flooded my mind.

I have been following the blog of Nathan Lawrenson, worship leader of Nags Head Church, for a while now. He is the husband to Tricia who has cystic fibrosis and is currently waiting for a lung transplant and the father to Gwyneth Rose who was born at 24 weeks gestation just weeks ago due to Tricia’s rapidly deteriorating health. They have had quite a ride through all of this, as is so beautifully chronicled in Nathan’s blog, but what continues to blow me away is the tremendous faith the Lawrensons have demonstrated through all of this and the undeniable ways in which God’s hand has been at work.

You really do need to check out their website, marvel at the pictures of precious Gwyneth Rose, and take a second to appreciate our mighty God.

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