What an amazing, albeit exhausting, day! Matt and I were up and at ’em at 4:30 this morning and had our first customers at 5:45. They kept coming in droves for hours, and with the help of our unbelievably selfless friends and family, we had quite the successful yard sale. After all of the dollars and quarters were counted, our grand total for the day was….


And this is before we list a few of the big ticket items on Craigslist/Ebay! (La-z Boy couch or official Jimmy Clausen Panthers jersey anyone??)

For me, the coolest part of the day was the realization that the amount we raised today is nearly equivalent to the most recent payment we made last month. Coincidence? I think not.

To everyone who donated, volunteered, or prayed today, thank you. We really and truly could not have done it without you!

Next up, Midlothian yard sale on September 18th. It’s gonna be good!!

5 Comments on yard sale part one = success

  1. congrats! It is so incredible to see the Lord's provision for what He calls us to! Rest up until September 18 šŸ™‚

  2. CONGRATULATIONS! I kept thinking of you guys on Sat. and praying for you, so I'm glad to hear it went well. I have the 9/18 sale on my calendar, I really hope we can make it.

  3. CONGRATULATIONS! I kept thinking of you guys on Sat. and praying for you, so I'm glad to hear it went well. I have the 9/18 sale on my calendar, I really hope we can make it.

  4. Thank you Rebekah and Rachel! And Rach, if you come on 9/18, I'll give you a treat. And then I will steal Henry.

  5. Thank you Rebekah and Rachel! And Rach, if you come on 9/18, I'll give you a treat. And then I will steal Henry.

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