I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of the care and concern I have experienced since Matt left for his trip. I just wanted to reassure everyone that I am A-OK and have enjoyed a great weekend with my parents here. Thanks to one of his teammate’s international Blackberries, Matt was able to call me on Saturday afternoon to let me know that they arrived safely… praise the Lord!

I’m not so sure if my parents will be so quick to jump at the opportunity to come down here next time judging by the events of the past two days… first there was the Almost Attack of the Giant Snake on Saturday morning. I didn’t see the ginormous snake until I had already stepped over it to get into my car, and if my dad had not been there to dispose of it, I really think I might have keeled over with a heart attack. Then, Carson somehow managed to break my mom’s cell phone, sending her off to the Verizon store to get a new one. Oops. Finally, there was Carson’s bumped and bruised forehead that was a result of his rowdy dancing and spinning moves yesterday that took place a little too close to the coffee table. Let’s just hope that marks the end of the recent streak of mishaps.

Something tells me that my mom will sleep well after watching the little whirlwind of action while I work today. šŸ™‚

1 Comment on all is well

  1. Glad to hear you have talked to him. It was fun to see on Amber and Rachel's blogs the fun they are having.

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