Today, something got into me at Super Walmart. I bought flaxseed. People, I don’t know what got into me! I don’t even know what flaxseed is! I do know that crunchy people swear by it, and it’s supposed to be ultra healthy.

I even bought whole wheat flour for the first time ever. Gasp.

Then, I came home and served my children “Shrek” (i.e. spinach… and flaxseed) smoothies. Carson proclaimed, “mama! This is the best smoothie I’ve ever had!”

Later, I baked homemade pita bread. But I forgot about my whole wheat flour.

And on Mondays and Fridays, I drive my husband’s Subaru.

Before long, I’ll be making my own yogurt and granola.

Jenny, aren’t you proud?

3 Comments on crunchy

  1. I find myself doing the same thing – last week it was organic peanut butter. I've got Brock hooked on spinach, whole wheat bread and yogurt so far, but I'm really impressed with your flaxseed smoothies 🙂 Poor husband, he doesn't know whats coming!

  2. Oh my goodness! I am SO proud. You can put anything into a smoothie and they'll eat it! Awesome

  3. Love it! Guess who is gluten and dairy free now… umm… yea… me! Turns out this bread and milk loving girl is slightly allergic to both. I can appreciate your new outside of the box meal prep, as almost everything I ate before is now forbidden! Can't wait to see yall next Wednesday!

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