We attended the wedding of Matt’s cousin, Lauren, and David, her boyfriend of forever, last weekend. The wedding was beautiful and Lauren was stunning. However, that’s not what this particular post is about. This post is about my son, the ladies’ man.Seriously y’all! Check out these pictures! Wherever we go, the kid finds himself a little girlfriend. Take our outing to the park today for instance. Carson met a friend who he dubbed “little girl” and wouldn’t leave her side. He refused to go down the slide without “little girl” next to him and cried big crocodile tears when she left. Pitiful yet cute.Oh yeah… and let’s not forget his dancing at the reception. At one point, the child cleared the dance floor with all of his twirling and booty shakin’. I was slightly embarrassed, but at least the onlookers were entertained. My oh my, do I have my hands full with this one. šŸ™‚