Among my recent craft endeavors, I think this is among my favorite. This past fall, we drove home from our amazing Midlothian yard sale with an old wooden school desk. Why no one wanted to purchase it is beyond me- I was enamored with it from the moment we met. However, it had clearly seen better days and needed some lovin’.
After eyeing the desk in the garage all winter, I finally worked up the nerve last week to do something with it. After painting it white and adding a few coats of chalkboard paint to the top, it was transformed from dull to cute. And quite functional for a beginning writer. It now sits adjacent to Carson’s weather chart (to make me feel like less of a delinquent parent for not sending him to formal preschool) and bedtime chart (as in the “get in bed, stay in bed, and for the love, don’t get out until the sun is up” chart). To be perfectly honest, the charts and the desk have sat relatively untouched over the past few days. Sometimes great, scholarly intentions turn into play-all-day-fests. And I am totally okay with that.

This last shot is totally staged. I don’t think Carson has worked this diligently at the desk yet. But for some camera time, my cheeseball child is willing to do anything.

4 Comments on school desk

  1. formal preschool is a waste of money. you are smart to keep him at home with you as long as you can! he is learning more from you than any preschool teacher.

  2. Love the desk. Good purchase. I also bought one at a yard sale and years later, sold it at my yard sale.
    Played a lot of school.

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