Carson and I took a little impromptu trip down to visit my sister and her family down in Winston-Salem this weekend, and Carson has been napping for the past three hours as a result of all of the fun he had with his cousins! That was most likely the last trip I’ll make before Mary Grace arrives, so for the next 6ish weeks, you can find me in bustling town of Clayton, NC!cousin bonding over quesadillas
More cousin bonding over food… this time, massive cream horn pastries from a nearby bakery. This was the best picture I managed to get of all three of the boys… sorry mom.“Hey man, care to share a bite?”

3 Comments on weekend in winston

  1. i love those pictures. wish i had been there to see it all. the boys are so cute together. kinda feel for mary grace and what she is going to be exposed to.

  2. I think my favorite is their little bellies in the last pictures! How fun that they get to grow up being so close in age. šŸ™‚

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