Poor Matt. As a guy who claims birthdays to be “not a big deal”, he’s probably kicking himself for marrying someone who loves birthdays like I do. The first year we were married, I cried on my birthday because he left an unwrapped DVD on the kitchen table as my gift. Now, I really and truly was not trying to be ungrateful, but I guess it just didn’t live up to the elaborate birthday extravaganzas I had growing up.

There was that fancy tea party I had. And then the Hawaiian luau. And Daisy the clown. And of course the 18th birthday party that will forever go down in infamy. Oh and I can’t forget my 21st birthday scavenger hunt throughout all of Williamsburg. Those were the days…

Anyway, throw a husband, a dog, a mortgage, and two kids in the mix, and things change a little. But my 27th birthday was a fabulous one this week! First, my sweet coworkers threw me a surprise birthday party at work on Monday. However, Matt, knowing how much I hate surprises, was kind enough to inform me in advance of this. (Really people- I warned him last week that if he ever threw me a big surprise party, I would kill him. Looking back on that statement, though, I think that might be a bit extreme.)

Then came the 20th, which started off perfectly as my sweet husband dragged his pitiful self out of bed with me at 5:30am to get me a piping hot cup of coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts. The fun surprises continued throughout the day. It truly does not take much. I was beyond thrilled when I discovered a container of frozen Cool Whip topped with a bow in the freezer.

Finally, came date night. I requested Panera and a quick jaunt around the mall to spend some of my birthday money. This was huge for me because 1. I don’t enjoy shopping and 2. I really haven’t bought myself non-maternity clothes since we got married. Sad but true. I lucked out with some cute clothes and headed home a happy, 27 year old girl.

Matt claims that turning 27 means my life is pretty much over. Thanks, babe. I love you too.

3 Comments on 27

  1. ah, yes….the 18th birthday party….i remember it well!
    funny, MY matt said that once you hit 50, it's pretty much over!
    happy birthday, you young thing!

  2. I've heard 27 = late 20s. I think that's completely untrue. You're mid-20s until you're 29. And I had an awesome time at your 18th birthday. It was the next day that wasn't so great. We just have to warn our kids that they will get busted pretty quickly if they try anything!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I can definitely relate to having a hubby who doesn't think birthdays are a big deal. It definitely seems Matt had to live up to some really high standards though šŸ™‚

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