We have had a most excellent weekend around here! I must say, though… the pregnancy symptoms have kicked into high gear the past two days. Let’s just say I had to exit our church service rather quickly this morning. And the exhaustion… oh the exhaustion… But let’s not dwell on the negative. Instead, enjoy these most recent pics!

I love this picture because it’s so typical of Carson. When he is not running around like a wild man, he is very serious and meticulous when it comes to his sand, rocks, and sticks.
Carson LOVED the fish and turtles at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences (while I was like a little giddy schoolgirl looking at the massive fossilized dinosaurs)! I seriously cannot wait to take him to the NC Zoo this spring!! Carson enjoying his first happy meal while Matt gorged himself on his first Big Mac(s) as our Valentines Day lunch. Classy.

3 Comments on a fantastic weekend!

  1. Can I come to the zoo?? I’ll take care of Carson while you deal with your preggers symptoms! šŸ™‚

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