Y’all are awesome!! Seriously awesome. I have received such a huge response to my requests for donations for Elizabeth’s orphanage. It’s blown me away and has resulted in such a large quantity of items that we went ahead and shipped two boxes out to them this week! (Sidenote: they’re actually first headed to Kigali, Rwanda, and will then be taken across the Rwanda-DRC border to be hand-delivered to the orphanage. Again, I seriously cannot stand how beautifully God has orchestrated our crazy adoption journey from Rwanda to DRC.)
Anyway, let me just tell you, Priority Mail’s description of their “large” boxes is a bit of a misnomer. They’re not so large… but we packed every square inch of those things and killed a roll of packing tape in the process. So, in these two not-so-large priority mail boxes, we managed to send the kids 25 pairs of pajamas, 50 pairs of undies, 3 bottles, a few crib toys, and 15 cloth diapers/liners. This makes me so stinkin’ happy! Thank you thank you thank you!!