Dude, it costs a lot of money to have our dossier documents authenticated. Like many, many hundreds of dollars.

So, what does one do when faced with another pricey adoption invoice? Why, make hairbows of course! I have decided that I will put my love for for all things southern, frilly, and polka dotted to good use to raise more money for our adoption of Wyatt.

If you want to grace your little girl’s head with one of these bows, leave a comment or shoot me an email at catherinesallison at gmail dot com. These are just a few that I already have made, but I can always make some according to your specifications as well.

And lest you think I have awful taste in color combinations (maroon and orange?!), I must add the disclaimer that I married a Virginia Tech Hokie. This heat wave has left me longing for football season, thus the Hokie bows.

I’m not going to list a price- we’ll just handle this on a donation basis. Help us bring Wyatt home!
I guess it would be helpful to add that these are all approximately 5-6 inches across. I have both french clips and alligator clips. Let me know if you have any questions!

16 Comments on bows for rwanda

  1. Hey girl, i am going to set up a booth at the seminary craft fair November 6th. Want to share a booth?

    We can put a big sign that says "help bring home our African babies!!"

    I don't do bows, so we won't be doing the same stuff. Let me know!

  2. Hey girl, i am going to set up a booth at the seminary craft fair November 6th. Want to share a booth?

    We can put a big sign that says "help bring home our African babies!!"

    I don't do bows, so we won't be doing the same stuff. Let me know!

  3. OOoh! If you can customize, I will take several!!

    1) Redskins colors, adult size please on a french clip (yes this is for me…)
    2) Hokie Colors little girl size, french clip
    3) W&M colors little girl size french clip
    4) red polka dot little girl size, french clip.

    Send me an email and let me know where to mail a check: vksiev@gmail.com!

  4. OOoh! If you can customize, I will take several!!

    1) Redskins colors, adult size please on a french clip (yes this is for me…)
    2) Hokie Colors little girl size, french clip
    3) W&M colors little girl size french clip
    4) red polka dot little girl size, french clip.

    Send me an email and let me know where to mail a check: vksiev@gmail.com!

  5. I want one of pretty much everything you have. And W&M, UVA & Redskins, of course. I've got to start my collection (& help get my nephew home, of course).

  6. I want one of pretty much everything you have. And W&M, UVA & Redskins, of course. I've got to start my collection (& help get my nephew home, of course).

  7. Cattie Sue! You should check out Etsy.com. I bet you could sell a TON there!! šŸ™‚

  8. I'll take a UVA one. And if you have a light pink and white one, and a purple and yellow one… oh my, this could be bad šŸ™‚

  9. Seward – I ditto Scearcie's comment. you'd do great on etsy! Put me down for a W&M bow and a kappa colors bow. I need to start buying Lilly's fall wardrobe, but when I figure it out, I'll give you more orders. ALLIGATOR CLIPS please! šŸ™‚ Yay Wyatt!

  10. We are such a bow-bow family! After we get Punky's fall wardrobe set up, I'll let you know. When you're in VA doing your yard sale, you should totally sell them then, too! If only you were here–folks at our church LIVE for bow-bows–the bigger, the better!

  11. We are such a bow-bow family! After we get Punky's fall wardrobe set up, I'll let you know. When you're in VA doing your yard sale, you should totally sell them then, too! If only you were here–folks at our church LIVE for bow-bows–the bigger, the better!

  12. Could I get two Carolina blue ones with alligator clips please?! I can mail you a check (just need your address) or I can send it through Josh to give to Matt – just let me know what you prefer. Thanks so much! So excited for you guys and your little one!

  13. Hi! – this is Bev and Hunter Sexton down the street. We would like to get some bows – they are so cute! If possible – it would be great to have them by Friday – we are traveling and would like to give some as presents to some VT fans with kids. If not, that works too – just let me know. You or Matt can shoot one of us a message on Facebook. Looks like the bows are a hit so far!

    1) Six of the VT bows (maroon bow with orange center) with alligator clips
    2) Two VT bows (orange bow with maroon center – if possible) with alligator clips
    3) Five VT bows (maroon bow with orange center) with french clips
    4) One Redskins colors bow with alligator clip
    5) One UNC colors bow with french clip

    Thanks so much! I can just stop down when they are ready if that works – just let us know.


  14. Bev and Hunter– yes!! I would love to make them for you, and I'll try to have them done for you by Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. I can't find you on facebook, but shoot me an email or friend me or something so I can let you know when they're done. Let's go Hokies!! šŸ™‚

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