Mary Grace’s first boat ride. And the last of the trip. She was a smidge too antsy to enjoy herself, but at least we got a few cute pics out of the experience.

Surprise #1 of the trip: how much Mary Grace ADORED the water. River or pool, she couldn’t get enough.

Surprise #2: that Chloe, the wimpiest, most non-water dog everrr could not be coerced out of the river. Weird.

Surprise #3 of the week: that 3 year old Carson was the most successful fisherman of the weekend. With a total catch of three catfish, the boy was on top of the moon.

BEST pic is you & MG in the water together- both of your expressions are priceless!
You look very refreshed and rested. Glad you are having a good time. Pictures are wonderful, including Chloe. Love to the family.
Anmama gigi