
Here it is.

Are you ready?


We have joyfully accepted a referral for a beautiful 15 month old baby girl from the DRC!!

People, she’s so precious.  Oh how I wish I could post a picture of her sweet face with those big, brown eyes but, alas, I cannot.  BUT if you are local, you can count on me having a picture to share with you whether you care to see it or not.  Heck, I have been tempted to share our news with complete strangers.  I just can’t contain myself.

This journey has not been without its fair share of twists and turns.  But God is faithful.  And so good.  This week alone, I have been absolutely floored to watch God’s plan for this baby girl and our family unfold.  And we continue to stand watch, waiting with expectation as the rest of the story unfolds as we wait to bring her h.o.m.e.

More details to come!  Pinky promise! 

“The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” Psalm 126:3

13 Comments on the blog post i have been waiting over two years to write

  1. Oh Catherine, this is WONDERFUL news! Thanks be to God! After all this time, oh how swiftly God has moved!!! Will be continuing to pray for you all – what an incredible journey and oh-how-faithful (and OPEN!) you have been. Wow. L&L, Jen

  2. I have been having a bad day, things not going right, my stress level (home selling, single parenting, etc) through the roof….and I read this, and it reminds me that GOD IS GOOD and that all things happen in HIS time, not our time. It’s HIS plan, not our plan. And I am so incredibly thrilled to be typing this with tears in my eyes! I cannot wait to see your beautiful little one, and so happy to bring Mary Grace a baby sister.

  3. YAH! I am so happy. All day yesterday I kept checking here to see if you updated. Finally, the news. Full of love.

  4. Congratulations!!! Can’t wait to see her picture!!! Wish I had the same news to share 🙂 Excited for you guys!!

  5. You are a stranger and yet I read your news with tears. Praise the Lord for how he rescues orphans and builds families in ways we would never anticipate! Looking forward to details of how all of this came together and happened so. fast.

  6. So stinking excited for you. Quite a journey so far. Hoping and praying the rest is smooth sailing.

    bursting. literally bursting.

    SO happy for your family 🙂
    much love!

  8. That’s so awesome! Matt and I will be praying for your new baby and for wisdom/protection. So excited to hear more info and eventually see pics.

  9. Congratulations!!!!!! So happy for you guys what wonderful news!! Can’t wait to hear more about it and hopefully see her soon. We’re so thankful that you guys have finally seen the face that your heart has desired and prayed for all this time. He is faithful!

  10. Oh, what joy! God is faithful (and was still faithful before this!) and it is so fun to see Him work! Congratulations!!!

  11. So excited for yall. And have no shame in showing off pictures- the ladies at CVS, checkout workers at ANY store, really, all saw my referral pictures :).

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