Last Saturday, we were lucky recipients of a nice little dusting of snow throughout the afternoon. Of course, the moment Carson spotted the white stuff, he shouted, “It’s Christmas now! Let’s build a snowman!” Not one to disappoint, Matt scraped together all of the snow he could to build Carson his own mini (we’re talking like eight inches) snowman.
Sadly, two days later, Carson came to the stark realization that the snowman was no longer there and was overwhelmingly disappointed with the reasoning I attempted to provide. Instead, he presented me with his knowledge of the water cycle, snowman-style. “But mom! When snow melts, it freezes again and turns back into snowmen!”
Almost, buddy. Like the water cycle meets the story of Lazarus (another one of Carson’s recent fascinations). There’s always next time.
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….and Mary Grace said, "I've never seen a snowman that I didn't want to eat"