I just wanted to write a quick post to let y’all know that we’re safe and sound here in Garner, North Carolina. With some much appreciated help from family and friends, we’re almost all unpacked and still relatively sane. Some thoughts…

  • I really like our apartment. I love our ginormous closets. I love our cozy living room. I love my own special built-in desk. I love how quiet it is here (I’m very surprised by this one… I guess it’s a perk of being on the third floor).
  • We have already found a good barbecue restaurant… even Carson was allowed to partake in the goodness of their boiled potatoes.
  • Matt and I went to a Hispanic grocery store today, and we’re hooked!! They had an amazing produce section, a yummy bakery, and the friendliest employees ever. I think we were the store’s only English-speaking patrons, but they can expect me back frequently.
  • I start work on Wednesday, and I’m so nervous I could puke… sorry, but it’s true. What if I forget how to treat strep throat? What if my coworkers hate me? Where will I do my charting? Will they have a fridge for my lunch? What should I wear?? (Yes, I have actually voiced all of these concerns/questions to my husband.)
  • Judging by the fact that Matt has a bed and a television in his “office”, I’m starting to wonder how well he will re-acclimate to academia in a few days. I’ll be sure to keep you posted.

Well, my loving husband just caught me dozing off while typing, so I think it’s an early bedtime for me. I promise a more coherent post in the near future, and if you’re lucky, perhaps some pictures of our temporary abode.

1 Comment on We’re Here!

  1. Glad yall are settling into the new place! Just wanted to say best of luck with work tomorrow, Catherine! I know you will ROCK it!!! 🙂

    Give my favorite baby a hug for me 🙂

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